Vision and Purpose Statements
At First Baptist Church of Maricopa you will note a unique emphasis on the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. His life was one of obedience to God’s law and ended on earth when God punished His own Son for our breaking of His law. He conquered death by rising from the grave so that you and I may confidently place our hope in Him, rejoicing that our guilt has been removed by Jesus. This is God’s plan for mankind.
An obedient life lived in and for Jesus who gave himself for us is the essence of being who He called us to be. This message is the very cornerstone of our church and must be treasured in every believer’s heart, affecting every aspect of life so that a life once wasted on sin and rebellion may become useful in the Father’s hands. It is with this hope in the Savior that we endeavor to preach God’s will for life and godliness. It is our desire that this message would comfort, encourage and motivate you to confess, turn from your sin and live for someone greater than yourself.
But many churches of today have become cluttered, so cluttered that people have a difficult time encountering the simple and powerful message of Christ. So cluttered that many people are busy doing church instead of being the church. Jesus Christ provided a simple vision and purpose for the church and they are found in Matthew 22:34-40 (what we call the Great Commandment) and Matthew 28:19-20 (what we call the Great Commission).
Discipleship is a process, not something that is obtained immediately. First, someone loves God which is the most basic and essential aspect of discipleship. But it does not end there. After someone enters into a love relationship with God, they begin to love others as God loves them. The person commits to grow in community with others. After loving God and loving others, the natural result is to serve God and others. In other words, serving all.
These three simple statements fueled the first century church to turn the world upside down. As we apply them to our lives and church, God will make things happen for His kingdom and His glory.
Loving God A relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ is the greatest need in every person’s life. It is a matter of eternal life or eternal death, so the church must foster an atmosphere that is conducive to developing this relationship. This is done by preaching and teaching the Word of God accurately, so that people know God through His Word, understand salvation is received God’s way and that a person desires to become a disciple of God and of Jesus Christ our Savior.
An obedient life lived in and for Jesus who gave himself for us is the essence of being who He called us to be. This message is the very cornerstone of our church and must be treasured in every believer’s heart, affecting every aspect of life so that a life once wasted on sin and rebellion may become useful in the Father’s hands. It is with this hope in the Savior that we endeavor to preach God’s will for life and godliness. It is our desire that this message would comfort, encourage and motivate you to confess, turn from your sin and live for someone greater than yourself.
But many churches of today have become cluttered, so cluttered that people have a difficult time encountering the simple and powerful message of Christ. So cluttered that many people are busy doing church instead of being the church. Jesus Christ provided a simple vision and purpose for the church and they are found in Matthew 22:34-40 (what we call the Great Commandment) and Matthew 28:19-20 (what we call the Great Commission).
Discipleship is a process, not something that is obtained immediately. First, someone loves God which is the most basic and essential aspect of discipleship. But it does not end there. After someone enters into a love relationship with God, they begin to love others as God loves them. The person commits to grow in community with others. After loving God and loving others, the natural result is to serve God and others. In other words, serving all.
These three simple statements fueled the first century church to turn the world upside down. As we apply them to our lives and church, God will make things happen for His kingdom and His glory.
Loving God A relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ is the greatest need in every person’s life. It is a matter of eternal life or eternal death, so the church must foster an atmosphere that is conducive to developing this relationship. This is done by preaching and teaching the Word of God accurately, so that people know God through His Word, understand salvation is received God’s way and that a person desires to become a disciple of God and of Jesus Christ our Savior.
Loving Others God created us to be relational people and therefore the church must love people the way God loves them; unconditionally. We must love the lost and seek to communicate the truth of the gospel with them in love and acceptance. We love others by teaching them the truth of God through His word, therefore we will take loving action when a brother or sister in Christ wanders from the path of God. We seek their restoration to God.
Serving All God has given each person a gift or gifts to use in the body of Christ. Christ knits His church together and together we serve God, other members, our local community, and our world by using these gifts to glorify God through Jesus Christ.