Women’s Ministry

First Baptist Church of Maricopa’s Women’s Ministry is an intimate and trusted group of sisters in Christ who unfailingly count upon one another in times of both need and great joy. Our prayer for this ministry is that we continue to grow this wonderful circle of women…and our greatest hope, that while doing so, we continue to reach outward and, together, form that which offers something for each and every woman’s individual need, while growing ever stronger in the Lord. 
There are so many things that women today are forced to juggle. Wife… Mother… Job… Friend… Sister… Daughter of an ailing parent…Sometimes School…or just being there for each and every person who seem to need a helping hand, etc…all while being a wonderful Christian woman. There are so many emotions that come into play, whether it be guilt that we cannot be everywhere at once, or simply the confusion over our true purpose and/or prioritizing all the “positions” in our life. In any given day we can find ourselves being a teacher, a nurse, a cook, an accountant, a housekeeper, a taxi service, a counselor, a strong shoulder to someone in need… Goodness, but the list could honestly go on forever. We all need time to replenish ourselves from time to time; what better way to do so than to get together with much cherished sisters in Christ? What better uplifting than to take a closer look at what God Himself has said in regards to these very events in our lives?
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” ~Philippians 4:13

Please join us for one of our many offered activities and/or outreach programs:

  • Personal Prayer and Counseling
  • One-on-One Women’s Discipleship
  • Women’s Weekly Bible Study
  • Women’s Monthly Fellowship with Bible Study
  • Mentor Program (Titus 2:4)
  • Operation Shoebox Ministry
“Women ministering to women, that we might each know the joy and freedom that results when living according to God’s will.” ~Titus 2:3-5
For questions or more information on First Baptist Church Women’s Ministry Group, please contact Nancy Roberts Phone Number: 520-568-2272 Email: womensministry@fbcmaricopa.org